Monday, July 9, 2012

Graduation Time....or The Moment I Feel Old

The time has come and gone when high school seniors for the year 2012 have graduated. I got to do a few pictures for seniors this year. They're always some of my favorites because they're at a place in their life where they have so much personality and (think they) know what they want from life. Definitely fun.

But this time, I just felt old.

I started teaching elementary in the fall of 2005. They were 6th graders. That means that this year my first group of students graduated. How did that happen? Hard to believe that they're grown-ups now when they were so little just yesterday.

One of my former students, Charlotte, was graduating. The other odd thing about shooting for Charlotte is she used to live in my childhood neighborhood so I'd known her for a long time. Then taught her. And now her dad is married to my sister-in-law, so technically I'm her step-aunt. All so strange for me!

We started with a few pictures in her cap and gown. (Those things are so strange. Who came up with the design anyway?)

After getting out of the awkward gown, Charlotte relaxed and we had more fun.

So here's three cheers for 2012 seniors.

And many prayers that I stop aging so quickly!

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