Thursday, January 7, 2010

Couldn't Help Myself

I know Christmas is over, but I took this picture earlier and just had to show you. It's one of my new favorite ornaments (besides my BYU ones)!
Here's Jeremy too! Every day I come home from work and go to the "office" where Jeremy is working. It's so pleasant and feels just right to sit down in the same room with him. Doesn't matter if we talk or if he's on phone calls because we're in the same room.  (Everyone, let's hear that collective "ah")  I couldn't tell you what day this picture was taken because every day is the same....and because he's been wearing that shirt for the last 4 days. Seriously.


  1. At least it is a nice shirt...

  2. Ahh. . . Don't feel bad. I'm getting ready to do my Christmas post. . .
