Monday, July 26, 2010

Practically the Coolest Thing EVER!

So let's just start off by saying that I have amazing friends that share ideas and knowledge with me. In this case, Adam was the teacher. He didn't seem to mind, or didn't let on that it bothered him, that I knew next to nothing about the technicalities of camera use or photography. He just shared and shared and shared! (All very interesting stuff)

I've seen Adam's pictures like these that he has done previously. I always gave him a hard time that he must have taken the photos during the day. I knew that wasn't the case, but it's more fun to tease. 

Wait, let's back up. Did you hear that? Do you think you didn't really read that? These photos weren't taken during the day.

I took these photos and I still look at them and can hardly believe it. So crazy to me. Basically, it was all about tripod use and opening my shutter for long periods of time to let lots of light come in. It's practically the coolest thing ever! (thus my title) 

It was fun just experimenting. You can tell that the shutter was open for a long time due to the lighting that just glows, or in other cases of the cars driving by and you see a line of their tail lights. Or even the planes I caught flying overhead that now look like shooting stars.

And then we played around with other aspects. I believe Adam called it ghosting. He would stand in the frame for part of the time the shutter was open and then move out.

Then he pulled out his cell phone to create this lighting while attempting to move around quickly so he wasn't caught in the same place long enough to be photographed.

The bugs were out and biting and since they preferred Adam over me, I said we could wrap up our session and call it good after these last shots of the train. (I know there have already been plenty to look at, but at least you didn't have to get bitten by bugs to see them!)


There's always so much to learn from everyone! Thanks Adam!


  1. Holly! Those are amazing and I love them. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my gosh! Those were beautiful and amazing and I am just stunned. Seriously way cool! I'm going to bring a pad of paper and take notes when I see you and then try it out for myself. I'm like blown away!

  3. Wow. All I can say is wow. I'm too floored to even use exclamation points. Amazing.
