Thursday, September 6, 2012

Miquen's Wedding or I'm in it for the Long Run

Remember how I took Miquen and Kipper's engagement photos? They spoke with me again and did some more sweet talking and before I knew it, I was arranging to do more pictures. Get ready for the long post!

Miquen needed bridals, of course, and she looked beautiful! You can't help but love her dress. All dresses are beautiful (as are the brides in them), but sometimes it seems like the dresses are pretty similar. I loved the small details of her dress that made it stand out!

We also did pictures of Miquen and Kip together so they didn't have to rush around for them on the wedding day. Old superstitions are out the door about seeing a bride before the big day in her gown, but Miquen still wanted to document a "first look."

Kip's expressions were definitely worth capturing!

And then we got to business taking photos of both of them.

Including their cute, matching shoes on which Miquen's mom hand-stitched their names onto the back.


And if that wasn't enough photos yet, I've got more to come of the actual wedding day!